So, it isn't here yet, but in one mere week, we'll be looking at the last third of the pregnancy! Yay! Luckily, the second trimester went pretty well. I think that it was somewhere around week 22 that the nausea and vomiting ceased. It is terrible to feel awful for so long, but it is amazing how once it is gone, you barely remember how bad it really was. I suppose this is one of the reasons women continue to have children!
With this pregnancy, I have had no cravings or food aversions (except early on when I was nauseous and didn't want any food or drink). Right now, it is just the typical stuff like more trips to the bathroom and noticing that my belly is getting in the way when I'm doing the dishes, etc. My waddle is also in full swing due to the increased stretchiness of tendons. I'm feeling more kicking too due to the placenta being in the back. Although I feel the kicks more often, the intensity is not too bad...yet.
All doctor appointments are of the boring variety now - not that I'm complaining! My blood pressure is still looking good. I have the dreaded glucose test coming up on August 3rd. I am happy that they gave me the syrup to drink at home this time so that I don't have to wait the full hour in the doctor's office. I did really well on this test with Lily, and I'm really hoping that it goes as well this time too.
As far as the baby name goes, I have to hold off on any further clues because another serious contender has come into the picture. The first name under consideration is still a strong possibility, but we've recently found another name that we like, and I'm really having a very hard time choosing between the two.
In every other way, we are ready for this baby now which I'm afraid is going to make for a very long third trimester. With the first, you have so much to do from getting/assembling furniture, to going to various classes, to installing carseats, to getting baby gear together, and on and on. With the second, all this is done and ready to go, so we are just waiting. Granted, it is not like we are just sitting around with a three-year-old, but we are very ready for our family of four (plus Terra). I remember really coveting the time Carl and I had before Lily came because I knew that it would be such a dramatic change for us. And, even though you have an idea of what is to come, you can't really know until it happens, so there is a bit of a fear factor there. This time, we have no delusions about what is to come. Of course, having one (especially one that is walking, talking, potty-trained, etc) is very different than having two, but I know that it will be fine, and I'm just ready.
There are some fears of course, but mainly it surrounds Lily getting all that she needs at this age while staying at home with me and the baby. I think that we will manage okay, but again, you never know what it is really going to be like until it happens. Lily requires lots of activity, and I want to make sure that she gets all the stimulation and peer interaction that she needs. This will be a challenge, but it is top priority for me so we will just have to find a way to make it work. I'll update more about baby when there is anything additional to share, and hopefully, it won't be long until we settle on a name, and I can post more baby name clues!
July 2024
2 days ago