Monday, March 24, 2008

Match Day Aftermath

Check out this clip of Match Day at U of Maryland! We're in there (even though you can't see us). We are still reeling from the news, although my elation has turned into a complete nervous meltdown over finding a new job, new house, new that all, you ask? No, I'm still nervous about selling our current house, packing, moving our things (and Lily!)....the list goes on and on...and my stomach turns and churns.


Tori said...

I know you're stressed, but seriously if anyone get it all done and make it look easy it's you! You are the only person I know who has so much faith that things will work out and they always do! You can do it! Good luck!

Roger said...

We're so excited for you guys! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Just like you have accomplished everything else , you can do this too. Breath and take one step at a time. If you can give life to a child and raise her as beautifully as you have through all the trials and tribulations, then this next stage in your life should be a piece of cake or pie as the case may be. Best of luck and good wishes to all of you!