Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just what the doctor ordered

So it looks like the winter season will not pass us by entirely unscathed. Lily has caught a little bug that is going around the school. It involves high fevers with lethargy but not really any other symptoms. On the whole, not too bad. It was a little heartbreaking, though, to have to give her a cool bath at 2:00 am while she's crying, "No mommy, please." She has been super-sweet during her illness, mostly wanting to curl up and cuddle. Luckily, Aunt Ingrid agreed to stay with her during the morning today, and Carl came home in the afternoon. If the fever is still there tomorrow, which I fully anticipate it will be, Aunt Ingrid has once again agreed to take the morning shift, and I will be taking the afternoon. Thanks to Aunt Ingrid for all the help!

When I got home from work tonight, I asked Lily what she needed to feel better (she revels in the attention from being sick). She responded with the following...
  • ice cream
  • soda
  • blue juice [Gatorade]
  • a rhino
  • a hippopotamus
  • a giraffe
  • a monkey - "and that's all."

1 comment:

Tori said...

well, if that's all, I think it's totally do-able.