Friday, July 27, 2007

Lily's quote of the week

I was serving up a very tasty dinner of Baked Chicken Cacciatore Monday night, and as I dished the food onto Lily's plate, she says "Oooh, nice". Not that she ate more than three bites of it, but that's another story...

I also have to share our adventures in driving home tonight. Of course, five minutes before we left the school, the sky decided to open up and spew an inordinate amount of rain down upon us. Luckily, it is only about an 8-minute drive home. As we are driving in the blinding downpour and hydroplaning over the large puddles in the road, Lily begins laughing hysterically. She was so amused by the loud rain, thunder and lightning all around her. I'm afraid that we have a thrill-seeker on our hands.

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