Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lily's latest

Lily continues to rapidly expand her vocabulary, parroting a lot of what we say. Her latest favorites are "shocked", "jacket", "sit", "nice", "milk", and "poo poo". She started saying "poo poo" after she would do the deed about a week and a half ago. Not long after, she started saying it before she went - a surprising development. I figured that we had better follow her lead on this, so we bought our first potty chair today. We are by no means in the process of actually potty training, but we have started the precursor stage by introducing the potty chair to her and familiarizing her with its purpose. I wasn't sure what she was going to think (if anything) about it, but she absolutely LOVES it. We spent over an hour in the bathroom with her just playing with it. She would sit on it, look into it, move it, put things in it...I was not aware of the potty chair's potential to totally captivate and amuse a toddler until this afternoon. Tonight, she again said "poo, poo", and I asked her if she wanted to go on the potty. A huge grin spread across her face as she ran to the bathroom, opened the door and sat down on the potty - all clothes still completely on. The biggest problem so far is getting her away from the potty; she would stay on it all night if I let her! So, this was not something that I anticipated we would be involved with so soon, but so it goes with Lily. She is on her own time line, and we just try to keep up!

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