Wednesday, January 09, 2013


an embrace and kisses before boarding the school bus
watching little mister march to a beat all his own on the soccer field
chatting with friends while watching our boys put out imaginary "emergency" fires on the playground
a call from work just to say, "I love you"
nuzzles with little mister before naptime
welcoming hugs after school
a pint-size helper during dinner preparations
sisters sharing drinks on the counter, legs dangling
an impromptu game of ping pong between brother and sister
belly laughs from the baby
a boy running to his daddy after work
a family sharing a meal of chili full of fresh veggies and beans with warm, gooey grilled Havarti sandwiches
playing peek-a-boo with a sleepy baby
piles of freshly laundered clothes returning to their places, waiting for the chance for more adventures with the little ones
a request for a monster hug
little fingers holding mine and a sweet wave good-night
stories and girl talk
hot, soothing tea
.......a good day, a great life......

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