Tuesday, January 08, 2013


The first full week of January always feels like the calm after the storm to me.  After the flurry of activity from October through New Year's day, January brings with it calmness and a return to routines...not bad things.  We have entered a more peaceful state with a feeling of both coziness and familiarity with a sense of new beginnings just around the corner. 
 Stripes in soft cotton seem to be the clothing of choice among the little ones lately.

 A very stoic Emmy.  She has several teeth coming in right now so she has been feverish, sleepy and wanting to nurse more frequently.  She is such a sweetheart, and I am thankful that I can provide some level of comfort to her until this phase passes.
 William does his part to cheer up his baby sister.
 Lily donning her stripes today with a new dress from Aunt Angela.
 There's our sweet, happy baby girl.
 Stripey baby legs
Dinners so far this year have reflected our family's state of being as well.  We've had some wonderful cozy feel-good classics such as roasted pork loin with root vegetables, spaghetti pie and shepherd's pie.  As always, I enjoy exploring and testing the waters with some more adventurous recipes as well.  This cookbook has been quietly waiting on the shelves for just the right time, and tonight seems like the perfect opportunity to venture into some new recipes of this gorgeous book.  Baked cod with ginger and soy on asparagus sounds heavenly, and I'm looking forward to dinner with the family gathered around the table already.


  1. I feel exactly the same way about January! During the last week of Dec and the first week of Jan, there were multiple days when the kids and I didn't get out of our jammies...it was heavenly! Fall and Winter are so busy (even busier for crazy party planners;) so it's nice to relax!

  2. Sounds delicious. As Dad would say, "it doesn't get any better than this."
