Little Details
Because it's the details that make life beautiful...
Monday, July 08, 2013
City Museum
On Sunday, we wanted to get the monkeys out of the house for a little activity. Carl and I were going over all the options...the zoo, Gran...
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From harvest to home
It's that time of year again: blackberry picking season. Actually, it is the end of blackberry picking season here. Somehow it never ...
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Saturday, July 06, 2013
Look who loves the potty!
Following in the footsteps of her brother and sister, Emilia started talking about the potty right around 18 months. Just as with th...
Zoo day
One morning we got up and got the notion to go to the zoo. So away we went! One of the best parts about being able to stay home with the ...
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End of year softball celebration
Lily decided to play softball this sping/summer, more in a show of support to Ava than any genuine interest in the sport. I give credit to...
Visit from Carl's Aunt Carol
Carl's Aunt Carol came into town a few weeks ago to visit her mom and sister. We had a very nice lunch together and look forward to he...
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Camp #1
Lily's school district offers a 3-week summer camp for its students. You can choose from a number of fun classes, and this year Lily c...
Friday, July 05, 2013
In Never Never Land
Lily has participated in two camps so far this summer. The second one was a musical theater camp. It really was a fun camp. The kids wen...
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