Monday, July 08, 2013

From harvest to home

It's that time of year again: blackberry picking season.  Actually, it is the end of blackberry picking season here.  Somehow it never fails that we seem to remember these things at the very end of the season so that the good berries are few and far between.  Carl claims that we just want more of a challenge.  Yes, that's it.  I need more of a challenge when taking 3 kids berry picking on a 90-degree day in the summer.  Luckily, Lily has become an expert berry hunter.  She takes great pride in finding the perfect berries and even has to carry her own basket so our inferior berries do not get mixed up with her stellar finds.  William and Emilia were not so in to the activity this year.  But, if our experience with Lily is any indication, they will be berry-picking with the best of them in no time. 
 Closely examining her find.  Emmy tried a couple berries and then clearly identified them as fruit so that was it for them 

 Lily's up for the challenge
 Old-fashioned candy sticks are the perfect treat after working hard in the berry patch
 There's my crew
 The berries were a little tart this year so I thought they would be best in a baked dessert.  We opted for blackberry bars, and the kids couldn't wait to join in process.
 My tiny helper
 The more experienced helpers with very different techniques.  Lily carefully examined and gingerly added each berry while William threw the berries in like he was playing basketball (with sound effects and all).
The timing for this baked dessert could not have been better.  Unbeknownst to us, it was the birthday weekend of Kit and Rebecca.  Carl found a red star candle (which happens to be the symbol for American Girl dolls), and it was party on.

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