Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Our stolen hour

 The end of Daylight Savings Time is always a bit of a bummer for me.  I really, really dislike when it is pitch black at 4:30 in the afternoon.  The only upside to this is the one hour of stolen time.  I think everyone should do something they normally would not have done on the Sunday we gain an hour.  Something that says, "You may take our daylight, but you will not take our fun."  Carl suggested going to Lone Elk Park and the Bird Sanctuary which fit the bill perfectly.  Above you can see Lily is not about to let the impending darkness damper her spirits....such a little ham.
 Look at that big girl on daddy's shoulders
 We had a running debate leading up to our visit whether the chicken's name was Freckles or Pickles.  Turns out it was Ginger.
 Emilia got 4 vaccinations at her 1-year-old check-up about a week and a half ago.  She had been feeling pretty crummy but seemed to turn a corner on Sunday.  We are very happy to have our sweet, happy girl back, but even more happy for the advances in modern medicine which enable me not to worry about my little one contracting the measles, mumps or rubella. :)
Overall, I think our stolen hour was well spent.  How did you spend your stolen hour?

1 comment:

  1. So fun! We napped in true "married life before children" style.
