Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Family diorama

Lily's homework this week was to make a family diorama (or collection of items representing her family) for their family museum.  Today the museum was "open to the public" (ie adoring parents visited).  My favorite part of this project is that William has alternated calling it the "family diarrhea" and the "family dia-grandma".  Items represented are:
  • Maryland coin (symbolizing her birth-state)
  • Seashell from the seashore in Maryland, of course
  • Birthday cake to symbolize her so-close-you-can-almost-taste-it birthday
  • Guinea pig (okay, so maybe we didn't have a small guinea pig and had to use a hamster) to symbolize the one thing that would make her birthday the most specialest ever and fulfill her lifelong wishes of owning a guinea pig
  • Chopsticks because this girl loves her some Chinese food
  • Popcorn for family fun movie nights with seasoned popcorn
  • Bone to represent our little pooch
  • Pond with turtle to represent her adventures with daddy catching turtles and frogs at Great Grandma's house
  • Pinecone to represent the long walks that she takes with daddy on the weekends (which often results in collections from nature)
  • Christmas wreath to symbolize our love of Christmas and getting together with our families for the holidays
  • Flower sticker since Lily's name "stems" from a flower (oh yes, I did)
  • A cooking class medallion to show Lily's love of baking and cooking with mommy
  • A teapot sticker (which I don't think you can see in the picture) to represent the many tea parties Lily has with her brother
And there it is.  Now go out and make your own family diarrhea.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Family diarrhea...girl, you crazy.
