For those following Carl's journey through medical training, here is where we are. Beginning July 1st, Carl started his fourth and final year of residency- yay! July 1, 2012 will begin Carl's year of fellowship in hematopathology. And what exactly is hematopathology, you ask? Carl's speciality will basically be diagnosing lymphoma, leukemia and other blood diseases. At the end of fellowship (June 2013), Carl will move into his "permanent" job. This means that next summer, we will yet again begin the job-hunting process. There are no guarantees that there will be a hematopathology job available in St. Louis but that is obviously what we are hoping. As always, we will keep everyone informed as we continue on in this process.
Today Carl participated in a charity tennis tournament. He hasn't been able to play tennis that much since his back has been bothering him for a quite a while now. I know he was happy to get out and play a little and is hoping to join an intramural team in the fall.
Aerial view of the courts. One of Carl's favorite moments of the tournament today was slamming an overhead past the Head of Bond Marrow Transplants. Hee hee.
Carl definitely had the cutest and loudest (okay and the only) cheering section at the tournament.
Carl has been a home improvement machine this month as well. I should have taken before pictures, but this flowerbed was a disaster. Carl came up with this low-maintenance concept, and I love it!
Carl has kept his usual sense of humor as well. Lily lost her second tooth on Wednesday, and we were looking for a gift from the tooth fairy that we may have available around the house. Carl pulls out this utility knife and sets it on the table saying, "problem solved". So helpful. (Oddly enough, this was an attendance gift from a physician recruiting fair.)
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