Lily enjoying the birthday cupcakes
I've been lucky enough to have three birthday celebrations for my big 3-2 this year. Last Thursday, I had dinner with my entire family (minus Carl and Ang's fiance, Zach) which meant 14 people total. We are quite the crew now! Thanks to mom and dad for the traditional corned beef and cabbage meal. Then, Tuesday my mom, dad, and Angela surprised me by being there when I came home from work. Mom made yummy lasagna and peach cobbler, and we even managed to fit in a game of Euchre. Yesterday, we had a smaller celebration with Carl, Lily and me with pizza and cupcakes (the cake being for Lily, of course). My big present was a shiny new GPS. I'm so excited! If there was ever a product made for one person, that was made for me. Thanks to everyone for a special birthday (week)!
We actually have 9 birthdays of family and friends between my birthday on the 17th and Carl's (and Ingrid's) on the 28th. Happy birthday to Carl's dad tomorrow! We will be celebrating Carl's mom's milestone birthday (I won't say which one) this weekend. Also, we will have a little get-together for my Grandpa's birthday on Sunday. Busy times!
Lily thoroughly enjoyed St. Patrick's Day at school. Their classroom had a little leprechaun who visited while they were away at their enrichment classes. He apparently left a bit of a mess and little green footprints as evidence of his visit. Well, it was all Lily could talk about that night and the next. She went on and on about how her teacher saw him, tried to trap him, but he was too quick, escaped out the back door, left a note to the class, and on and on and on.... I talked to Lily's teacher about how excited she was about it, and she told me that when Lily first entered the classroom and witnessed the leprechaun's mischief, she put her hands on her hips, and queried, "Who made this mess...and ruined my mommy's birthday?" Her teacher had to explain how the leprechaun is just mischievous, but not mean, and would not ruin my birthday. After Lily was reassured, she immediately started in on the questions about the leprechaun...how big he was, where he lives, etc.
Conversations with Lily are just always so interesting. Tonight on the way home, she asked what sharks eat. Then, she wanted to know what birds eat. After telling her that they eat worms and insects, she had to know what worms and insects eat. After going to the bottom of the food chain, she seemed satisfied and left it at that. It is just a wonder how her little mind works.
With so many fun events planned, hopefully we'll have lots of pictures and stories to share this weekend!