Our poor little pooch had a plastic satellite dish bestowed upon her head after she and Irie got a little too rambunctious a few nights ago. After their own version of doggie Fight Club, Terra was left with a gash above her right eye. We thought that it might heal on its own, but Ingrid had to take Terra to the vet after one of the blankets that Terra likes to cuddle up in became stuck to her wound (yuck!). It apparently was not healing well because Terra was messing with it too much, hence her lovely apparatus. For some reason, seeing Terra in it reminds me of Joan Cusack in Sixteen Candles - hey, if she can make it work, so can Terra. Anyway, this morning was the first time that Lily saw it on Terra, and her expression was just priceless.
Without any rhyme or reason, Lily went into Ingrid's room, grabbed the lampshade off of the lamp on the nightstand, put it on her head and starting dancing from room to room. (Maybe she wanted to make Terra feel less awkward by sporting a similar look, who knows?) We're just two wild and crazy girls when daddy's on call.
Oh my god, the sheet metal shirt without pants on...just like her Aunt Angela when she was little. Awwww, I miss her soooo much!