Sunday, December 16, 2007

Literally speaking

Our weekend here was of the productive type. We were able to do some long-outstanding cleaning projects that will make it a little easier next month when we officially begin to pack up the house for our upcoming move and prepare it for sale. Crazy! We also had a lot of play time with our little one. We broke out the playdough, fingerpaints, aquadoodle, crayons, and markers for some art time fun. Lily couldn't get enough of it! She also helped me make chicken & dumplings and helped Aunt Ingrid bake *real* (very tasty) Christmas cookies. Carl and I were also able to sneak in our almost weekly weekend lunch date (now that Aunt Ingrid is here to watch Miss Lily). All in all, it was a very good winter weekend.

My highlights from this weekend were actually verbal exchanges between Carl and Lily which included the following:
  • Carl was playing with Lily and said, "You're such a little monkey" to which Lily responded, "I'm a girl".
  • Carl has started taking nature walks with Lily. On these walks, Carl points out all kinds of outdoorsy things to show/explain to Lily. While they were walking on Saturday, Lily commented that she is sick and has a cough. Carl was joking that he had not heard her cough and didn't think she was sick at which time she actually did cough. He laughed and said, "Where did that cough come from?" She answered, "From Lily's mouth."

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