Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Brunch

Carl's mom and grandmother moved to St. Louis about a week and a half ago.  Total St. Louis additions for me:  9 (my kids, husband, Ingrid & Ryan, Carl's mom and grandma).  Not too shabby.  But what's not to love about St. Louis, really?  It's an easy sell.  :)  I'm guessing that those first 3 additions MAY have something to do with the latter additions as well.  With all of us living within 15 minutes of one another now, it is significantly easier to get together not just for holidays but for any reason at all.  Why not to celebrate a sunny Sunday?


  1. It was delicious! Thanks for having us!

  2. Thank you for the beautiful and delicious brunch! Mom remembered our visit the next day with a big smile

  3. Anoymous is really Meemaw. just couldn't post using anything but anonymous.

  4. Aww! Wonderful! So happy you have your family close by!
