Friday, March 15, 2013

Maple Syrup Festival

Who knew that there was an annual maple syrup festival so close to us?  Not me, until this year.  I stumbled upon an ad for this festival while looking for new and exciting hiking trails.  Of course, we had to go check it out.
 Lily playing the part of a pioneer woman.
 Yummy fresh, warm maple sugar treats
 The entire event was free and included the maple sugar treats, pancakes with maple syrup and kettle corn for everyone.  One thing you could never criticize St. Louis for is a lack of free activities for families. 
 It was a cold day, but some warm pancakes helped keep us toasty on the inside.
 Baby Emilia enjoyed some pancakes while hitching a ride on my back which meant a little extra flair was added to her face, our clothes, and my hair.
 Flying paper airplanes
 Drilling a log
 Probably one of the worst face painters ever.  Lily's still rockin' it hard.
 Gathered around the fire.  Carl's mom was with us too, but I missed getting a picture with her in it!

Lovin' the maple festival.  Ah yeah....

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