Monday, November 19, 2012

7-year-old dreams come true

 My amazing, beautiful, smart, funny girl turned 7 on Friday.  7!!!  Many years ago, Carl told Lily the story of how he bred guinea pigs as a child.  Ever since then, it has been Lily's calling in life to own guinea pigs.  Carl originally told her that she could get one when she was eight and old enough to understand the responsibility of caring for an animal.  However, after many talks (and persuasive stories written by Lily about the subject), we decided she was ready.  She was truly surprised to walk into her room and find this little baby in there.
 Lily researched guinea pigs a lot prior to this day and had decided that she wanted a brown and black curly-haired guinea pig which, of course, is near impossible to come by.  A dedicated daddy spent his day searching for the exact one and had it delivered to a pet store in St. Louis just in time.  Lily was initially excited that night, but when Carl and I left the room to put Emmy and William to sleep, we came back to find a very distraught little girl.  She was overcome by the responsibility and wasn't sure she was going to know what to do to take care of her new guinea pig.  Carl reassured her that he felt exactly the same way when we brought Lily home from the hospital and that we would be right there with her to help her take care of her new baby guinea pig....which of course is about the sweetest thing ever.  What an awesome daddy.
Baby Alise (not sure of the spelling yet) got a snazzy new home courtesy of Grandma & Papa.  Thank you!!

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