Friday, October 12, 2012

A few snapshots from our Magic House visit on Tuesday

Look how big this girl is getting!  We are exactly one week away from her first birthday, and I can barely believe it.  But no matter how old she gets, she'll always be my baby.

 She loves to play with "big kid" things and has rejected baby toys almost from Day 1.
 Balls are always fun...just ask William!
 One of William's favorites.  Now he can actually catch the fish on his own (which isn't easy to do)!
 William found a little crack in the glass and would put the fish in the stream at the opening.
He followed them very intently downstream until they made it back to the pond.
I've been trying to keep the kids busy during the day so we had a very active week with the zoo on Monday, the Magic House on Tuesday, soccer and the Nature Center on Wednesday, and the Transportation Museum on Thursday.  So today I decided we all needed a day of rest.  We are looking forward to a busy weekend as well with hopefully a good balance between working and fun.

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