Thursday, September 27, 2012

Whoa Nilly!

The Fall that I have been dreading all summer has not failed to live up to expectations.  It is a busy, busy time in our household.  The strategy for survival is to keep our heads down and plow through.  Although there is plenty of stress to go around right now, we have made a concerted effort to make time for fun.  I have not taken pictures at most of our outings and events, and yet I still have quite a backlog of pictures to post.  The kids are just great and growing in so many ways every day.  I have lots to say about them, and I am feeling inspired to get some posts done tomorrow.  So look out - posts will soon be coming your way!  I have to say thank you to Carl who has been such a rock during this time.  He bears a heavy load that many don't realize and still manages to stay positive.  Thank you also to Ingrid who has taken the kids on numerous occasions lately to fun events around town and given Carl and I some much needed time to be together.  Also, I can't thank my mom and dad enough for the many, many little and not so little things they do.  From repairs and cleaning around the house to watching the kids and cooking dinner on my teaching nights; I'm not sure how we would survive without their help.  Also, thanks to my sisters and friends that have listened while I've vented lately.  I never feel alone when things get tough because of our great support system.  And while I look forward to Christmas when things will be back to normal, we have much to celebrate in the meantime - including 3 birthdays of 3 amazing kids!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for letting ME vent during your stressful time! I think you are dealing with the stresses of life well while also trying to enjoy the ride. Love you!
