1st day of 1st grade breakfast: cinnamon-sugar toast cut into the shape of a "1" and apples :)
She has grown so much from last year at this time.
I can't believe my girl is in first grade already!
Bus time!
Yes, I am the crazy mom that puts my daughter on the bus and then races to the school to be there when she gets off. I had William and Emilia already in the car so I could get there quickly because Lily is on the bus for less than 5 minutes. William and Emilia were such troopers during this entire process.
The bulletin board for her classroom
First grade classroom. Hopefully Lily doesn't mind that her mom has to be there to document everything. When I was discussing going back to school with her this week, I commented that I thought I was more excited than she was, and she responded, "Yes, yes you are".
At least I'm not a blubbering mess this year, but I truly can't express what it's like to look at her in her first grade classroom and see the eyes of the baby handed to me in the hospital that beautiful fall evening in Baltimore.
Could she ever possibly know how precious she is to me?
And there's my funny monkey enjoying the bubbles at the entrance of the school with the sister of another 1st grade girl. We are loving the beautiful weather lately!
I think this is only going to get harder for me with each child. Just the thought that in 3 years, William will be walking through these doors as a Kindergartner makes my heart want to break into pieces. I love his sweet nature and will enjoy our time together until that day comes.
Way to make me cry Kathleen!! But I know how you feel.