Sunday, July 15, 2012

Feeling crafty

 Here are a few of my recent projects which have been fulfilling my need to create while trying not to break the bank!  The first project is the silhouettes of the kids (and yes, even the furry one is included).  This was a super-easy project which took me a few hours from beginning to end.

 I'll have to update William's and Emilia's once they are old enough to actually see a neck :)

 This was also an easy project, but it took a little longer because it required some painting.  This part of the wall leading up the staircase became a display area for Lily's artwork.  I've been wanting to display her artwork in a nicer way for some time.  So I took a bunch of picture frames we had lying around (we all have them!), spray painted them black and then took out the glass and replaced it with corkboard.  Easy peasy project that lends a more uniform look and hopefully shows Lily that we really value her artwork.  (The quote in the top picture frame is from a John Mayer song and says "I know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world".)

 We have several birds that live around us that LOVE to use our front door wreaths as material for their nests.  So instead of fighting it, I decided to just change my approach to this problem.  I bought a wreath form and moss at the dollar store and then bought white ribbon from Michaels and made a wreath for a total of about $4.  The birds have already destroyed it several times, but I just keep fixing it, and if I need to replace some moss for $1, no big deal.  So, I don't get mad AND I'm supporting the local wildlife - win, win.

 Memorial Day is a reminder to appreciate all those - past and present - that have sacrificed in order to make our country a better place to live.  So, in honor of the day, I naturally have to incorporate some red, white and blue and a sense of Americana.  Above are cupcakes made to look like little fruit pies and below is a fruit and cheese platter made to resemble the American flag.  Yay America!

With all that fresh-picked fruit we gathered recently, we had to make a tasty treat, and who doesn't love a good peach-blackberry cobbler?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this is funny because 3 of your crafty items have been things I've considering lately!! I considered doing silhouettes, and spray painting some old frames for a display area...AND, I've been waiting for a time I could make those very cupcakes! It's freaky how similar we are sometimes! :) I was showing my kids how-to videos on how to make fancy cupcakes on You Tube the other day, so there may be more creativity in my future!
