Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter at Grandpa's House

I wasn't too excited that I had to skip out on the Easter festivities at Ingrid's house on Sunday morning, but I was behind on grading, and I knew if I did not do it at a time when Carl was off to watch the kids, I would just fall further and further behind. So, you'll have to check out the pictures on Ingrid's blog from Easter at her house with Carl, Lily and William. I did get to spend the afternoon at my grandpa's house which was really nice. The weather was beautiful!

You can't ever have too many egg hunts!

William agrees.

Circle of family

Everyone loves bubbles!

Mom and Emmy

William with his cousin Nick

Lily with her cousin Abby

Mom and the grandkids

1 comment:

  1. Love the posts! The kids are too cute.
