We had a very unusual Christmas week. It started on Wednesday with me waking up around 6 am with discomfort in my lower back on the right side. By 7 am, the slight discomfort had morphed into the most unbearable pain I have ever felt (childbirth included). To make a long story short, I ended up in the ER where it was discovered that I had a kidney stone. The pain medication I was given was truly lovely and allowed me to pass the kidney stone in relative comfort. Otherwise stated, Morphine rocks and sent a very willing me to la-la land. The good times continued on Christmas day when my dad went to the ER after feeling pretty miserable for a couple days. My dad has been dealing with some heart issues for about the past month now and finding the right medication, adjusting to the medication, and getting much-needed sleep has been difficult for him during this time. With a recent diagnosis of severe sleep apnea, he is being fitted for a sleeping mask (hopefully in the next couple days) which should provide significant relief for him. All of this naturally altered our Christmas day plans, but we are very thankful that dad is starting to feel better.
The gift-opening chaos
Love this picture of Evil Dr. Angela. Don't mess with her. She's got scissors and can free any imprisoned toy from its
tangled cell.
Katie loving on baby Emilia
William enjoying his new chair from Aunt Suzanne - he loves it!
William has become so expressive lately. His language seems to develop in spurts, and Carl and I both believe that his recent strides in the language arena is largely due to Lily being home over the past couple weeks. William really looks up to Lily and wants to do everything she does. Luckily, she's an awesome kid and great role model. William has recently started speaking in full sentences (not all the time but more and more), and his vocabulary is really expanding. The first full sentence I think William uttered was completely unsurprisingly related to his train set. He was attempting to put 2 pieces of track together that were not cooperating, and he came to me and said, "It's too hard". One of my favorites is when William is looking for me in the house and just calls out, "Mama, where are you?" Usually I'm hiding in the closet, but that's another story. ;)
Thanks for putting this pic of me up...oh man. I look rough!