Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Choo choo!

Okay, it's the last day of January, and I've already failed at my attempt to be on the computer less this year. Today we visited my mom at her work (where she works maybe 10 hours per month), and then we all went to the Whittle Stop Restaurant together. It is a really cute concept, and William liked looking out the window at the choo choo trains.

There are a couple of trains just down the hill that William was able to see up close.

A choo choo train!
Last week we visited the mall by my mom and dad's house. They have a little train that goes around the mall that kids & adults can ride - a perfect activity on a cold day for a boy that loves his trains. We've just become cuckoo for choo choo trains around here! We are planning a little excursion on a real train for William in the near future - should be fun!

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