Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hangin' with William

I really miss Lily during the day, but it has been nice to spend one-on-one time with my little guy. Yesterday was a rainy day so we spent the morning at the Magic House. I had my camera on the wrong setting so all of the pictures came out a little blurry, but I'll post a few anyway. The fishing area was by far William's favorite of the day.
This ball area was a close second.

Another ball game

Yet another ball activity - sensing a theme yet?

Today was William's first Toddler Fun class at our school district Early Childhood Center. This is set up pretty much exactly like the class he took here this summer. They have free play time, circle time, art/table activities time, music & movement time and then snack with a story. William was mostly focused on riding the cars or playing with the balls the entire time but did allow a few minutes for some of the other activities.


  1. Absolutely love his shirt! "Boys only (except Mom)". Love it!

  2. If you have a boy someday, it will be yours! :)
