Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Yes, at a mere 22 weeks into this pregnancy, I am experiencing "nesting" like never before in any other pregnancy. The amount of work that we have done in the past few weeks preparing for the new baby has been crazy. Carl has been very sweet to help in all ways possible to help me accomplish my goals (although anyone who knows Carl knows that he will never turn down an opportunity for an even more neat and organized house). I think I'm just trying to fill time (as if teaching three classes and having two kids at home wasn't enough) because I feel like this pregnancy has been SO slow. I can't believe that we still have 4 more months to go! And the truth is that I do like being pregnant, despite the throwing up and indigestion and all the other fun things that go along with it. It just feels like I should be farther along by now. I am happy to report that everything has been right on track so far. The glucose test will happen in a couple weeks, and I'm a little nervous about that due to my history with William. I think no matter what, I'll try to follow a modified diet just in case, but actually being diagnosed with gestational diabetes could mean a lot of other unpleasant things as well, so I'm really hoping to dodge that bullet. Below are pictures from a couple of our "bringing home baby" projects.

It turned out to be a monumental task to go through all of William's clothes (for the gender-neutral items) and Lily's clothes (0-5t). But, after dragging up every article of clothing that was being stored in the basement and reorganizing all of them, it is finally finished! All of the 0-6 month clothing has been washed and either hung up (which you see in the picture) or put in the chest of drawers.

This I can't even explain. I started to go through Lily's old shoes, and every time I thought that I had them all, I would find another bag of shoes. After a while, I could not believe the amount of shoes that were piling up so I had to lay them out and count 'em up. The total number.......75! Seventy-five pairs of shoes in 4 years. It baffles the mind, especially since I've been wearing the same three pairs of shoes for the last three years. Anyway, I guess admitting that you have a problem is the first step, right?


  1. I'm so incredibly happy for you, Kath! And I'm not surprised about the number of shoes at all.

  2. This shoe picture just makes me straight up laugh. Hey, whatever, we all have our weaknesses right?! Mine certainly has nothing to do with party planning or anything else, so ... :)
