Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lone Elk Park and Bird Sanctuary

Yesterday we actually had a weekend day with no scheduled plans! We decided to take a drive through Lone Elk Park, less than 10 minutes from our house. This was Carl's first time there, and I think he really liked it. Even William seemed excited to see the big animals.

The elk came to the road so we could get an up-close view. The bison were a little further off so we didn't get a good picture of them. Unfortunately the white-tailed deer were not to be seen yesterday. I guess we'll just have to go back soon to see if we can catch a glimpse of them.
We also stopped in the Bird Sanctuary while we were there. I don't know why we haven't gone there before. It was a nice experience, and the kids got to see a lot of neat birds.

Red-tailed hawk

William getting a good look at a chicken

Lily's identification of animal skins, footprints, and skulls was quite impressive

Great horned owl


Just because you're out roughing it in nature doesn't mean that you can't still be glamorous.

One of the eagles

A woodpecker

Everybody loves a day spent with daddy!


  1. Lily looks so tall in the last photo! And William's hat, I have dibs.

  2. Ang, Is this something you'll be needing in the near future??
