Sunday, February 13, 2011

Even Sunnier Sunday!

We are so, so thankful for the gorgeous weather over the past couple of days. Our little family headed out to the park today along with just about every other family in our town. I've never seen the park so crowded! I think both parents and kids alike were just itching to get out. Other than the melting snow and ice on the ground, you would have thought we skipped ahead to May. Yay for sunny days!!

William did great on this rope bridge, going across it on his own several times. Like his sister, he is not afraid or hesitant to try new things.

William loves to watch the big kids. He spent almost the entire time trying to get to the big kid equipment.

William is looking like such a big boy lately. He's definitely left babyhood behind and entered the land of toddlers. He also loves slides!

William attempted this rope ladder. He didn't make it to the top, but it was a solid first attempt.

Of course, Lily is always right there to "protect" her little brother. Despite William's protests, I don't think he really minds so much.

Mom, look over there....AND STOP TAKING PICTURES OF US! :)

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