Monday, January 31, 2011

Lily says

Lately Lily has been amusing me even more than usual with our hilarious conversations. If you have been following on Facebook, I'm sure that you've had more than your fill of Lily's one-liners. Tonight I thought I'd post one on the blog - to keep it equitable. Every night, Lily and I read together for between 30 minutes to an hour. After our shared reading time, we say our good-nights which usually includes "I love you's" among other things. Tonight, as usual, I told Lily that I loved her, and she broke out in a little song that I can't quite capture in writing, but it went a little something like..."You are the greatest, greatest, greatest rock star mommy"....followed by the explanation..."I just wanted to do it a little differently for you tonight". Different, she is - completely smitten, I am.

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