Saturday, January 08, 2011

3rd Annual Children's New Year's Eve Party

We had yet another successful countdown to noon children's NYE party. This is by far my favorite party to host, and this year, Carl even got to attend along with a few other dads - whoo hoo!

Molly oversees the food station. As the president of Washington University's Medical Center Hospital Auxiliary, she can be trusted with such things.

Party-goers chatting away

More socializing

We went back to our original international theme this year. Here, Lily, Andrew, Michiyo, and Hiro are making some maracas (Ghana).

The kid crew in the dining room works on making fancy letters for their parents (a tradition from Belgium) and gold jewelry (Chile).

Mary tackles the Chinese lantern.

We also displayed symbols of good luck (bamboo and a pine branch) from Japan.

Almost all the party-goers, minus Ingrid and Ryan (who left earlier) and a few dads who were too shy to be in the picture (we'll get 'em next year). I love the fact that I have been friends with 8 of the people pictured for over 15 years.

The countdown!

We put the kids to bed later that night, and Carl made an awesome steak and lobster dinner for the two of us. It was delicious, delicious, delicious. We celebrated midnight East Coast Time and were sound asleep for New Years in Central Time. :)

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