Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, in one word, was wonderful. It snowed on and off for a total of about 5 inches during the day, and we enjoyed the entire day at home, all together. I could not have asked for anything better.


Backyard winter wonderland

Lily's snowman. She insisted that the snowman have short arms (something to do with T. rex), and she named him "Fall Beauty". Turns out that he was aptly named since he did come tumbling down later that day. However she was quite happy with the "beautiful mountains" he transformed into.

Such strenuous work calls for a mid-day nap

Lily is naturally super-excited for weeks leading up to the big day. We figured that since they would have so many presents to open on Christmas day, we would spread out the presents by opening gifts from afar on Christmas Eve. This worked out great, as it fulfilled her need to open presents, and I felt like she could better appreciate what others gave her instead of mixing them in with Santa's gifts on Christmas Day. I definitely want to continue this practice in future years.

Rapunzel hair from Grandpa Deetz and Susan and a movie from Tori and family! Yay!

More books! Super yay!

William with his new truck

Lily and I made brownies that day for Santa. We "hid" spinach and carrots in the brownies since we would be partaking in this dessert as well and William is determined to be a no-vegetable kind of guy. So why not hide them in other foods, right? Well, that may work on other kids, but so far this has not worked even once with William. I have tried out about 7 recipes from the cookbook Deceptively Delicious on William, and suffice to say, he thinks that the recipes are neither deceptive nor delicious.


What the....?

Oh, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth

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