Monday, November 15, 2010

The birthday present

Lily received her gift from Carl and me today - the long awaited, much anticipated American Girl doll. I should note that Lily actually found her American Girl doll hidden in our closet a few days ago. While brushing my teeth earlier this week, Lily walked into the bathroom holding her doll, and excitedly said, "Mommy, look what I found!" I could not believe it. She read my shock (and disappointment) and told me that she was sorry. What a sweetie. I told her that it was okay, but that the present was supposed to be a surprise. I explained that she could not have it until her birthday, and she returned it to the closet for safe-keeping until her big day. Again, what a sweetie. After Lily's birthday party today, she asked about the doll, and we decided to give it to her. She immediately changed Rebecca into her "birthday outfit". She is sleeping next to her right now.

1 comment:

  1. Love it all Kath! It looked amazing. Thanks for taking so many pictures. I almost felt as if I experienced it.
