Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One year check-up

William walks more and more every day and now often does so without prompting. How quickly things change from just a couple of weeks ago when he was so hesitant to let go of the furniture as he was cruising!

William had his 1-year check-up on his birthday, and everything seems to be right on track. Current stats are: 24 lbs. 9 oz. (76%) and 31.5 in (93%). His head circumference is 46 cm (39%). So he has stayed pretty consistent compared to his early check-ups.

William has turned out to be a much more picky eater than Lily ever was, but we are hoping that time and repeated exposure to new foods will help change that. He tends to create a wake of destruction as he moves through the house which is just typical for the age I think. He is constantly on the go which means that we are constantly on the go, looking after him. It can be exhausting, but he is just so cute and so, so cuddly that you just can't help but love being around this little boy.

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