Sunday, September 26, 2010

11 months

On Wednesday, William officially turned 11 months old. How far we've come in 11 months! Here is the run down of his development right now:

William still has only two bottom teeth. You can see the upper ones coming, but they are definitely not coming through yet. His hair has continued go grow from the middle of his head outward so he still looks pretty bald from the front. However, when you see the back, he has those cute, long curls. So right now in terms of hair growth, he remains all business in the front and party in the back.

William is so, so tall, and he seems to get heavier by the minute. He has made a beautiful transition to table foods. He eats just about everything except green vegetables. It is funny because he has no problem eating the pureed green vegetables but won't even touch the cut-up green vegetables that I put on his tray. He is not a big fan of the sippy cup but hopefully that will get better with continued practice. I am very much looking forward to the end of our formula days, especially since William decided to reject nursing a couple weeks ago. It was sad for me, and I continue to offer, but he just has zero interest in it.

William is getting increasingly more confident in his walking abilities. Before he would not let go of one thing to reach for another, but now he does this regularly. Now we can also walk with him by just holding one of his hands; so we are making progress, though he does not stand up by himself in the middle of the room like Lily did at this age.

His hand-eye coordination is great, and this is probably William's strongest area of development. He gets how to play with toys in a way that I don't think Lily quite did at this age. In terms of language development, William is still not saying words beyond mama and dada right now. Once in a while, I think that he is saying "hi", but I'm just not sure. His receptive language is great, and you can tell that he gets what we are talking about, but he just isn't there yet with his expressive language. He does, however, shake his head "no", and he clapped for the first time just the other day.

It's hard to believe that this is the last monthly update for William before he turns one. Yet it is also hard to believe that last year at this time, we only had one child. Such is the nature of time, I suppose - it keeps moving on and moving us forward. And while I love looking back at the past 11 months with William, I am also very excited for what the future holds with him.


  1. Such exciting times, I agree! I still marvel at how similar William and Leo seem to be...maybe it's just b/c they are so close in age, but some of the things are uncanny!

  2. I always inspired by you, your opinion and way of thinking, again, thanks for this nice post.

    - Murk
