Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week with Mary and Katie

These pictures are far overdue, but better late than never I suppose! They are from our whirlwind week in June when Mary and Katie came to visit. We packed so many activities in that one week that everyone was exhausted by the end and needed a vacation to recover from the vacation. Included among our activities were: a trip to Missouri Botanical Gardens, two trips to the pool, a "Mad Science" program, a ducky program at the library, a picnic lunch at Faust Park, a birdwatching program at the nature center, an afternoon at the Magic House, William's naming ceremony, and my cousin Maria's wedding (and Katie's spa birthday celebration which I already posted). It was a lot, but we really had a blast.

So, after only a mere two months, here are the pictures. As you can see, I took the easy way out by creating a slideshow. I also got tired of doing the captions after the fifth picture so Carl volunteered to do the rest (well maybe volunteered would not be as accurate as conned into it). So this is a disclaimer that the majority of captions were created by Carl. Proceed at your own risk.

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  1. Okay, I laughed out loud at most of the captions, Carl should be hired! My personal favorites were The Big Hand theory and of course, The Children of Cornucopia...it also reminded me of my very lovely Kwanzaa gift many years ago.

  2. Yes, I concur! The captions were hilarious. I could hear Carl saying them.
