Monday, July 05, 2010


On Saturday, we went swimming with my mom out at her pool and then had dinner at my mom & dad's house (sorry, no pics). That night Carl went "camping" with Lily in our backyard. I don't think she has been excited about anything in her whole life as was for their camping experience. She talked about it (and packed for it) for days prior. She had carefully planned out every detail of what they were going to do while camping. She gathered a net for catching bugs, her bug spray, a flashlight, homemade binoculars and pretend fire for the occasion.

All reports indicated that the experience lived up to her expectations. She told me how she and Daddy roasted hot dogs (on the grill) and then roasted marshmallows (with a candle). They even saw two bats flying in the sky and fireworks to boot! In the end, the little tent proved to be too hot to sleep in all night, so they came in and slept in their own beds which was just as well. We had a big day ahead of us on Sunday, so it was better to get a good night's sleep in the air conditioning. However, Lily already has plans for a repeat camping experience, and I think secretly Carl is just as excited!

The camp site

It may be hot, but she's still happy!

THE classic Lily expression

View of the fireworks from our own backyard

1 comment:

  1. This is maybe the sweetest thing I've ever heard! We've comtemplated doing a backyard campout as well, maybe we're inspired now!

    Do you remember when you, Carolyn, Heather and me used to roast marshmallows in my dorm room over a candle and watch Friends?! Memories!! :)
