Wednesday, July 28, 2010

9 months

We went for William's 9-month check-up last week, and things are looking great. His stats this time were:
weight - 22 lbs. 2 oz. (75 %)
height - 30.75 in. (>97%)

His recent growth bumped him over his pumpkin seat weight and height limits (22 lbs/30 in) so we moved him up to the big boy seat on Monday! I can't believe that Lily just moved out of this seat about 6 months ago, and William is already in it!

William's fine and gross motor skills continue to improve, and he wants to walk so, so bad. He still doesn't have any teeth, but his hair is slowly growing in, and it looks like we have curls!! Overall, he's healthy & happy and seems to be right on track.

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