Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy boy

William is almost always smiling, laughing, or giggling. The most common remark we get from others is, "He is such a happy baby". And he truly is. Even when he is completely exhausted or ready to eat, you can almost always get him to smile. He has such an amiable personality.

The latest development with William is that he started babbling (using syllables such as "da da" or "goo goo") about a week ago. When he first made the "ga ga" sound, even Lily noticed right away. She looked at me and knew something was different from his former cooing. It is so exciting to be in process leading to his first words. We can't wait!

William rolls all over the floor now and can get to anything he desires with his twisting, turning and scooching. His efforts are usually put toward getting to Lily's DVDs - he loves those things! Also, he has an unfortunate proclivity for cords. I know that this is just the beginning of the need for increased diligence in keeping an eye on him...I'm afraid the days of him getting into everything are upon us! Below is a short video of giggly William on Mother's Day.

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