Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lively Lily

Let's see. These days Lily has been keeping busy with acting classes that she started last Tuesday (thanks to Grandpa Deetz). She's been to two classes so far and really seems to enjoy them. It is the only class she has taken that she really looks forward to. We decided to try different classes with Lily to see what really interests her before committing to any one class on a more serious or long-term basis. So far, she seemed to enjoy dancing and gymnastics. Swimming not so much. I think that acting class is the winner so far. She also asks (almost on a daily basis) if she can take horseback riding lessons. This is probably the only activity that scares me to death. I want her to pursue her interests, but horseback riding can be so dangerous. We explained that she would have to learn how to take care of a horse before ever riding one, but she is just so committed it. Regardless, this is something that is going to take some serious consideration and probably won't happen for a long time.

Lily is playful as ever. She has decided that princesses wear dress every day so she MUST wear either a dress or skirt every day. Sigh. She has also entertained us with some funny sayings lately. While practicing writing "a" yesterday, she commanded William to "Watch the master at work, baby". Later that night, she was riding her bike around the house and said to me, "Excuse me, amigo. That means friend in Spanish". Okay. I have admit something here. Before actually having a preschooler, I was so against kids watching tv, but I am truly amazed at what she has picked up through television programs. I know that she acquires vocabulary rather easily, but I credit television programs for some of her more sophisticated words. She informed me that Toot & Puddle taught her the word "amigo". And while I still don't encourage watching it too much, I would say that I value some time watching tv (especially PBS) programming. Once again, my idea of good parenting was changed by actually having children.

Oh my big girl. Here Lily is in her new booster seat. She can now unbuckle the seatbelt, get out of her booster seat, open the door, and get out of the car on her own. This is still unreal to me.


  1. Zach loves when he makes it on the blog.

  2. I'll make him a deal. Every time he comes in, guaranteed on the blog :)
