Friday, October 02, 2009

Make Room for Baby

In anticipation of the baby's arrival, we've pulled out all the baby gear. Lily thinks this is the best thing ever as her dolls and stuffed animals have been enjoying some new, fun toys and accommodations.

Baby Elmo in the bouncy seat

Lily in the swing

The pack 'n play
We've decided to put the pack 'n play downstairs for now in order to have a changing station and napping area on the main level. With Lily, we kept this in our bedroom to have her close at night. Since the nursery is attached to our master bedroom in this house, it didn't make much sense to have another sleeping area only steps closer. Maybe this will help in keeping this baby in the crib from the get-go! We'll see.
We also moved Lily's carseat from the middle of the backseat to the side to make room for baby's infant carrier. Lily wasn't psyched about this at first, but she is adjusting to her new "big girl" position in the car.
Slowly our environment is changing to reflect the little addition coming to our household. It is amazing how a someone so small requires so much stuff!


  1. Good luck, Kathleen! The house looks ready as ever!

  2. Oh my gosh, Sohia is totally the same way about all the baby gear! Isn't it hilarious?! She's pretty good about keeping her animals and dolls out of them while Leo is in there, but you gotta watch out, she did let her puppies join him in the bouncy the other day!

    This is so exciting...only a few more weeks!
