Monday, September 21, 2009


After the Butterfly House, we headed to the Strassenfest, a German festival that was conveniently being held just down the street from the Butterfly House. As festivals go, this one was actually quite good. We had some good German/festival food including brats, very yummy potato pancakes, roasted corn and funnel cake. We then saw a mime/clown act that was so bad you couldn't help but laugh. Lily loved the baby animal petting area and the kiddie rides. After the fair, we headed to mom & dad's house to meet up with Angela & Zach who were in town taking care of some wedding details (only one month left in the countdown). There we were treated to some delicious BBQ and participated in some serious games of Euchre. Carl thought he was clever by beating me, but I got the last laugh when I made him walk home. jk :)

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