Monday, August 10, 2009

Mary's Birthday Party

The warm-up. One of these things is not like the others....

One of these things is still not like the others.

Getting ready to swing into the block pit - go Jane of the Jungle!

Katie in the block pit

Party-goers receive their medals!

Cake time!

We had a very busy weekend with Angela's bridal shower on Saturday and Mary's 5th birthday party on Sunday. Unfortunately, I was too busy playing hostess to get any good pictures of the shower, but I am currently on the hunt for some pictures. If anyone out there has pictures from the day, please e-mail them to me!
Many thanks to my cousin, Maria, and my Aunt Chris for the great birthday party for Mary. The kids all had a blast (and expended a lot of energy)! We are still not proficient with our new camera so many of the action pics turned out blurry, but we did get a few good ones. Lily loved playing at the gym. At one point, I asked her to stay with the group and do what the others were doing, and she responded, "I'm too excited"! The kids got to play in the block pit, jump on the trampoline, go through an obstacle course, walk on balance beams, swing on the low bar, and play with the parachute. Lily was in her glory!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! You must be exhausted after your big weekend - make sure to take care of yourself and Baby Mimosa in there!
