Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Name Game

Since we reveal the baby's gender early on, we like to keep the name a surprise until the end. This is not kosher with some members of our family though, especially my mom who is on a personal mission to discover the baby's name ASAP. So, I promised my mom & sister that this time around, we would give clues to the name to keep it fun and test others' powers of deduction. We decided on one clue per week, starting with week 20. Since we are now at 23 weeks, we have given 4 clues so far. And here they are:
  • Week 20 clue: The name does not start with L. Many people were guessing names like Luke, Liam, and Leo to go with our little Lily. While these names are cute, we have decided on a name that does not begin with L.
  • Week 21 clue: It is a name that does not lend itself to a nickname.
  • Week 22 clue: The name begins with one of same letters as someone in my immediate family. This narrows the possibilities to: A, E, F, J, K, or S.
  • Week 23 clue: It is not a family name on either side. In fact, I don't know anyone personally (friends or family) who bears this name.

*I must add the disclaimer that we are still only 90% sure of the name and reserve the right to change the name up until delivery time. :)

Also, I have to add a congratulations to Carl who is, as of today, a second-year resident! Woo-hoo!


  1. This post just made me giggle! I totally understand the feeling of family disgruntlement! We are keeping most of our name options to ourself as well, so combine that without finding out the gender and we're really blacklisted! ;) Can't wait to meet Baby EFJSKA... whatever his name is!

  2. What do you think of the name Angus Duncan Deetz?

  3. Angela for a boy? Sounds catchy!
