Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday, Terra!

Peanut butter and doggie bone cake designed by Lily

Terra getting her party on.

Lily decided that daddy needed to dress up for the occasion.

I also have to say congratulations and Happy Birthday to my friend Jen's new baby girl, Nora, born yesterday. No family has ever been more deserving. We are so, so excited for them!!!
Also, it is time to place your bets, ladies and gents. Friday is the big gender-revealing ultrasound! We'll keep you posted...


  1. Happy birthday, Terra-dog! I hope it was everything you dreamed of!

    I'm following Lily's lead of a girl on Halloween. (Though I think I'm secretly hoping for a boy!)

  2. It's another girl. Good luck!

  3. It's so hard to guess! I'm always wrong! I am thinking...girl. I think girl, but I'm not sure!
