Monday, May 04, 2009

Saturday picnic

The requested balloon tiger from the balloon man
(Once again, it is a coincidence that it matches her outfit. I swear that I have no part in it.)

Enjoying her absolute favorite outdoor activity

Our group WUMCHA had a lovely spring picnic at a local park with great food and fun entertainment. Luckily, Carl was not on call that day so we could enjoy the festivities without fear of having it cut short. Just about every other dad there was wearing at least 2 beepers which is kind of funny to see (but not so fun or funny when you're the one with them).

1 comment:

  1. I believe that you had no direct influence on the balloon matching the outfit, but you're kidding yourself if you think you haven't trained her for for this sort of decision making...everything must match and have a theme, dammit! ;) Don't feel bad, I'll probably have the same thing in my house soon enough!
