Thursday, November 13, 2008

School days

Terra joins in Music & Movement time with a little maraca action
Following Lily's interests, I started this week with the topic of "moon". We have had so much fun creating and reading the rebus rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle", playing word matches, working with fractions, dictating stories, understanding the difference between a circle and a sphere, going over concepts such as "over/under" and "waxing/waning", reading well over 20 books with moon themes and paper maching our own moon during Project Time. I have to say that this girl rocks with word identification. I cannot believe the pace at which she is picking up new sight words. I had no idea how much fun I would have with this and luckily, Lily seems to love it too. Below are some pictures of the making of our incredibly messy but very fun paper mache moon.
Adding flour to the "glue" mixture

Mixing the water and flour

Lily followed all the directions and created an awesome moon! Now we just have to paint it and add some glitter. (She chose to create a moon like the one in the book Honey Bear's Snowy Adventure which is very glittery.)

Lily rings a bell to signal the begin and end of school time. Clearly, this was at the end of the day after she had been working on the paper mache project.

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