Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween night

How many relatives does it take to take a three-year-old trick-or-treating? That would be five.
With four others waiting back at home.

Ang and the baby koala.

This is the first year that Lily has really been able to decide what she wants to be for Halloween. She went through many, many possibilities in this process. She started off saying that she wanted to be a black bear then a polar bear, a pig, a pirate, Little Red Riding Hood (the one I was really hoping for) and finally a koala. The koala stuck, but it is a difficult costume to find. So, I found koala ears on the internet, then decided on face painting and gray clothes. I actually found a one-piece gray outfit with a "pouch" built-in for her little stuffed toy koala, but of course, she did not want to wear it Halloween night.

Trick-or-treat Grandma & Papa!

Lily started off the night a little cranky due to a very short nap that day. But by the time we ended the night, Lily was doing little dances on the porches due to a decent amount of sugar consumption. Unfortunately, Lily knows what candy is now and really likes it. Fortunately, she is still young enough to completely forget about it the next day.

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