Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fun facts about Lily

Since I am unable to share fun pictures, I guess it's time to get back to basics and update with some info. Since Lily is ever-changing and evolving (like the rest of us), it's hard to say that "she is.....". I can only report what is going on with her right now which will probably change in a couple of days.
  • Lily is really into whole fruit. She doesn't like it cut up, peeled, etc. which is easy and convenient for me. Right now, she is on an apple kick. We went apple picking this past weekend, and I purposefully bought only a dozen apples so that we would not be wasteful as we had been in past years. So of course, she has been averaging three apples per day, and now we are already out of apples. This is very reminiscent of her clementine kick that she had around Christmas last year when her highest tally for one day was eight clementines.
  • Naturally, birthdays are on her mind right now. We looked through cookbooks and on the internet (when we had a computer at home....sigh) so that she could determine what kind of cake she wanted, which in turn would determine the theme for her party. Before she goes to sleep now, she wants to talk about all the cakes that we looked at. When I asked her what presents she wanted for her birthday, she said "grilled cheese, eggs, and toys for Terra Dog". Because she is so focused on birthdays right now, she also wants to talk about when (what month) everyone's birthday is and who has birthdays in the same month.
  • As Lily gets older, she is picking up on trends and has therefore come to expect certain things. For example, because I shop on E-bay a fair bit, she is super-anxious to get the mail because she thinks that there is a "present" waiting for her. One day, as I was explaining that the mail does not always hold presents, we opened the mailbox to find a gift from my friend Tori, so there went that. (And thanks for the "Vote for my future" shirt, Tori! She is wearing it today.)
  • Another thing that she has come to expect is that either someone is waiting at our house for her or we are going to visit someone after school (that someone mostly meaning Grandma, which is has started calling "Grammy" for some reason).
  • Lily is also very into Papa and especially loves going fishing with him. She was highly upset yesterday when we visited Grammy and Papa and did not go fishing.
  • As for other activities that she enjoys, she will readily tell you that she would rather go shopping at "Targeret" than go to the park. She also loves wrestling, tackling, chasing, and tickling, usually with daddy after dinner. She also loves her swing set and is so excited when "Daddy Monster" tries to get her toes when she is playing.
  • Lily loves playing with dolls too. She has 4 babies that have consistent names (Annie, 2 dolls both named Evan, and Rosie). Her play dog is named "Tovee". However, all other babies' names change on a day to day basis. She does not have any one toy that she is attached to, but she does get attached to different toys each day that simply must go to school with her and to sleep with her.
  • One rather unusual thing about Lily is that as she is going to sleep at night, she almost always starts snoring with her eyes open. After a couple minutes, she closes her eyes and is down for the count, but it wigged me out the first time that I saw her snoring while still awake.
  • I really enjoy her take on the world. When she was sick a few weeks back, she told me that her eyes were "leaking". Last night, she told me that her toy dog, Tovee, had "switched his mind" about what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday.

So that's a few fun things about our little Lily. I'm really looking forward to being able to share pictures again. I'm just hoping that our camera does not run out of space before we get our computer back because we already have tons of pictures on there and so, so many activities scheduled for October!

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