Saturday, August 02, 2008

Saturday at the Science Center

Lily had such a good time at the Science Center today; we had to drag her kicking and screaming out of there because she didn't want to leave. She was clawing and kicking, and while I was waiting for her head to spin around, Carl chants to her, "The power of Christ compels you" (in true Carl fashion). It truly was a sight to be seen. I've been trying to determine whether her behavior is typical for the age or if she goes above and beyond. I believe that her behavior is typical for the age...but amplified. She has an intensity of emotion, both good and bad. I had to laugh when my friend, Mary, asked me last week, "Is she always like that?", referring to her exuberant behavior. Carl claims that she is our little John McEnroe - a left-handed, curly-haired hot head. As the video below shows, she has a constant high energy level, even by herself.

1 comment:

  1. I can certainly understand why Lily wouldn't want to go home. So many things to do but so little time.Shame on you for dragging her out of there. Loretta
